LAST UPLOAD 16.11. 2010 21:45:25
Galerie uživatele
Počet galerií: 355
Údaje o modelu
Název: Fittipaldi F8 1980
Vydal: PKAA
Autor: M.Antonický
Měřítko: 1:24
Zahájení stavby: 9.9. 2010
Dokončení stavby: 7.10. 2010
Zobrazeno: 8539x
Hodnocení uživatelů (11)
Chronologie vložených fotek (47)
16.11. 2010 1 fotka
07.11. 2010 1 fotka
07.10. 2010 9 fotek
06.10. 2010 3 fotky
26.09. 2010 1 fotka
24.09. 2010 2 fotky
21.09. 2010 2 fotky
16.09. 2010 3 fotky
15.09. 2010 4 fotky
13.09. 2010 6 fotek
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09.09. 2010 1 fotka
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noname, 22.9. 2010 11:08:16
Dear pedroperez,
don't be worry for that. It is in process. My Brazilian friends are checking the address
, because everybody could register in yahoo and thay sad that is why the address doesn't look authentic.
pedroperez, 22.9. 2010 01:28:48
Hello everyone,
Gustavo Fonseca is responsible for the personal business of Emerson Fittipaldi and not the Fittipaldi brand that is owned by her brother Wilson.
But I understand the position of you, if in doubt contact and he should rectify my information.
I am also passionate about role models and believe that only a seal of authenticity granted by Fittipaldi would bring more credibility to the model F8
noname, 20.9. 2010 19:14:11
Doporučil bych spíše kontaktovat Emersona Fitipaldiho a prověřit si tuto adresu zda se nejedná o špatný vtip.
Kontaktní osoba v odstavci bussines man je uvedena pro Brazilii Gustavo Fonseca
Společnost vyrábějící příslušenství pro automobilový průmysl.
Přeji hodně zdaru
pedroperez, 19.9. 2010 06:50:29
Hi Michal,
I got in touch again with brand representatives Fittipaldi and they agreed to communicate with you, the address for communication is
Good luck.
michal antonický, 17.9. 2010 10:25:17
Hi, Pedro, is it possible to get contact on representatives Fittipaldi?
pedroperez, 17.9. 2010 01:09:22
I contacted representatives of the Fittipaldi brand here in Sao Paulo and to my surprise, and theirs too, no contact was made to use the name Fittipaldi as well as serving as models with restricted copyright owners of the brand.
Please ask for clarification.
Blazo, 15.9. 2010 19:00:34
díky za objasnění :D
TEO, 15.9. 2010 18:55:42
Do dnešního podvečera název modelu byl utajen. Jedná se o Fittipaldi F8.
Blazo, 15.9. 2010 18:36:34
mám takový dotaz co to je za model ? jinak musím pochválit detailní a kvalitní zpracování motoru